Whether you operate hotels, other commercial buildings, schools, long term care facilities, military barracks, the regular servicing of your AC units will have a direct impact on their energy efficiency and replacement cycle.
One of Gabbard Energy’s Group’s partners, Enalasys Corporation, is one of the leading companies working with utilities implementing and managing large, energy efficiency programs. We provide evaluation, measurement and data verification services (EM&V), enabling HVAC contractors, utilities and government agencies to work toward meeting their energy efficiency goals. Program components are summarized below.
Comprehensive AC Maintenance ‘Tune Up’ program.
This program focuses on improving the energy efficiency of operating residential, commercial, central air conditioners, heat pumps, AC units. Tune ups provided include: refrigerant charge adjustment (RCA) and duct testing, sealing (DTS). We enable local HVAC contractors to perform these services using the Charge RiteTM RCA diagnostic system from Enalasys, as well as data generated from the Duct Blaster tests. In addition, Gabbard Energy’s Group’s partner Enalasys also provides local HVAC contractors with additional oNpointTM energy saving technologies.
Gabbard Energy Group energy efficiency partner Enalasys has done over 1.2 million AC unit verifications through programs with San Diego Gas & Electric, Imperial Irrigation District and Southern California Edison along with many other utilities. If you are a HVAC contractor and/or utility that would like more information, contact Glenn Gabbard (925.381.1102) or go to http://gabbardenergygroup.com/home
Posted on 12/16/2015 at 08:48 AM
Folsom, CA
Phone: 925.381.1102
Email: glenngabbard1@gmail.com
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