A Proven Solution to Indoor Air Quality, HVAC Cost


The impact on buildings. Globally, outdoor air quality is deteriorating due to pollution from traffic, construction, agricultural activity, combusting sources and particulate matter. Because ambient air diffuses easily, even distant sources of pollution have a huge impact on the more than 15,000 liters of air we breath every day.

Indoor air quality can be degraded by these outdoor sources, as well as by off-gassing from building materials, indoor combustion sources and water leaks. Poor ventilation practices can fail to address these sources, exposing us to volatile organic compounds (VOC's), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH's) and microbial pathogens. Another way in which indoor air...

A Proven Solution to Indoor Air Quality, HVAC Cost


Clean air is a critical component to our health. Air pollution is the number one environmental cause of premature mortality, contributing to 50,000 premature deaths annually in the United States and approximately 7 million, or one in eight premature deaths worldwide.

The impact on buildings. Globally, outdoor air quality is deteriorating due to pollution from traffic, construction, agricultural activity, combusting sources and particulate matter. Because ambient air diffuses easily, even distant sources of pollution have a huge impact on the more than 15,000 liters of air we breath every day.

Indoor air quality can be degraded by these outdoor sources, as well as by off-gassing from building ...

A proven, green solution for Septic Tanks


While the majority of our work with our strategic partners at Gabbard Energy Group involves municipal, industrial, commercial and educational clients, the residential application of our environmentally friendly products is equally compelling.

]Whether you live in Hawaii, California, Arizona or anywhere else in the U.S., the challenge of keeping your septic system free-flowing is always an issue. With our strategic partner, Aqua Natural Solutions, we are now reaching out to retail stores that service this need with a proven, green, environmetally safe solution.

Septic Tank Maintenance involves several factors including pumping out septic solids (sludge) periodically in addition to replenishing...

The LED of Motors Has Arrived


Start your post here...At Gabbard Energy Group, we work daily with our core partner Correlate Inc. to offer our clients the latest in new energy efficiency technology. The LED of Motors, Smart Motor upgrade, came from our network of over 2000 energy experts representing all industries.

This is the most significant building upgrade since the LED. This motor replaces conventional motors that control the Heating, Cooling, Refrigeration and Ventilation in any building with up to 80% energy savings. It is easy to install and costs the same or less than conventional motors. It's next generation, cloud based communication alerts the appropriate staff members if any of the equipment it is operatin...

A Green Solution for Food Processors


Tomato, Garlic, Beef...any type of food processing company faces daily challenges, costs in attempting to control odor, sludge, BOD, COD and TSS. That, combined with increased government regulations, led us at Gabbard Energy Group to form a strategic partnership with one of our two core partners, Aqua Natural Solutions and offer a proven, cost effective, environmentally safe solution to these issues faced by the food processing industry.

Not an enzyme, our proprietary Microbe-Lift bio-formulation is designed specifically to control odor related to the production of hydrogen sulfide with a select consortium of cultures. The predominant organisms are in the purple sulfur group (purple sulf...

Energy as a Service... The new way to get Energy Savings Projects completed.


No matter how compelling, many energy efficiency projects are delayed or not implemented at all because of budget, Cap Ex concerns. At Gabbard Energy Group, we work with one of our two core partners, Correlate Inc., to remove that project barrier.

How Energy as a Service works. Whether it is a single project or an entire business review, our energy as a service contract insures that the client never has to use budget, Cap Ex funds to complete a project.

We begin by having a time efficient call, meeting, with the staff involved with energy management to determine the priority projects, scope of analysis needed. Along with access to the Utility bills, we then prepare a no up front cost custom...

Solving Manhole, Lift Station problems for Municipalities


Start your post here...Co-Owner, Gabbard Energy Group Inc.
It is estimated that there are over 50 million manholes in the United States. As our friends that we work with in Municipal Wastewater, Sanitation, Collection Districts can attest, many of these manholes have significant odor, food oil, grease (FOG) issues that trigger daily citizen complaints.

Labor costs increase as municipal workers are asked to take extra time to try solutions such as degreasers, scents, that only mask and don't solve the problem. Many of these manholes and lift stations are in more remote areas or span vast areas...further challenging municipal employees charged with maintaining the sewer, collection systems.


California Energy Efficiency Company poised for big projects in Hawaii


Gabbard Energy Group, headed by Glenn Gabbard, an investment manager, also is working to become the best option for both the residential and commercial sectors, optimizing energy efficiency in these buildings.

Hotel Energy: Practical Tools to Reduce Electrical Energy Use

The hospitality industry is inundated with products and services focused on the reduction of energy

use. From smart thermostats and occupancy sensors to full-on building management systems, the

options seem endless.

But, as an operator, do you truly know where your electrical energy is being used? How do you know if

there is waste? Also, once you do know, is it clear how you can change things to reduce power

consumption and still provide the services and comfort your guests expect?

Cyber Switching Solutions is teaming up with Gabbard Energy Group to offer two technologies to help

with these questions. The first is a cost effective solution to monitor and meter the electrical power

used in your hot...

Campus Energy: Practical Tools to Reduce Electrical Energy Use

College campuses are all but cities unto their own and effectively managing the use of electrical power
can be a serious challenge. From smart thermostats and occupancy sensors to full-on building
management systems, the energy-saving options seem endless.
But, as an operator, do you truly know where your electrical energy is being used? How do you know if
there is waste? Also, once you do know, is it clear how you can change things to reduce power
consumption and still provide the services and comfort your staff and students expect?
Cyber Switching Solutions has developed several technologies to help with these questions. The first is
a cost effective solution to monitor and meter the electrical p...